- 将来{しょうらい}の海流{かいりゅう}の循環{じゅんかん}における急激{きゅうげき}な変化{へんか}を予想{よそう}する
prospect for an abrupt change in ocean circulation in the future 意味
- "prosopyle" 意味
- "prospect" 意味
- "prospect a region for silver" 意味
- "prospect at the budget table" 意味
- "prospect call" 意味
- "prospect for applications" 意味
- "prospect for gold" 意味
- "prospect for the release of" 意味
- "prospect for the solution of" 意味
- "prospect at the budget table" 意味
- "prospect call" 意味
- "prospect for applications" 意味
- "prospect for gold" 意味